Data Architecture
About This Project

Understanding Patterns of Engagement

Employee engagement comparison

Interactive dashboard and platform for
comparing employee engagement and giving to charitable causes
Data Architecture

United Way

Engaged employees, those that participate in charitable giving, volunteer, and pursue causes they care about, are a huge asset to their employers. In support of United Way Worldwide and their corporate partners, Talus Analytics built an interactive portal for corporations to understand trends in how their employees engage and identify opportunities, as an employer, to promote employee engagement to help drive satisfaction and retention.

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United Way Worldwide is a nonprofit organization focused on helping communities around the United States and abroad, who engages extensively with corporate partners to pursue fundraising and volunteer activities. The engagement portal provides these partners with a central resource to understand employee engagement, promote successes, and identify trends to inform opportunities to further increase employee participation in volunteering, charitable giving, and engagement with communities where corporate partners do business. The portal provides both United Way and the corporate partners unique insights by analyzing patterns in employee participation and tracking trends over time and presents results in interactive visualizations to articulate the overall value of programs that engage employees while retaining the ability to drill down to specific areas of interest.

Data Architecture