Data Architecture, Global Health Security, Public Health, Risk Analysis
About This Project

Global Health Security Tracking Dashboard

Funding committed and disbursed globally for health security

Interactive mapping platform characterizing the funding committed and disbursed globally for health security relative to health capacity
Global Health Security
Data Architecture
Public Health
Risk Analysis

Georgetown University Center for Global Health Science and Security

As funding is allocated to improve global health security, there is a need to track the efforts being funded to identify gaps and ensure that funds are addressing the need. To support this analysis, Talus, in collaboration with Georgetown University, has developed an interactive web-based dashboard to visualize commitment data relative to need, as defined by country health security capacity.

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Many countries have committed to significant funding efforts under the Global Health Security Agenda, but these efforts were not being centrally tracked nor aligned with need. We developed a tracking dashboard to ingest and visualize funding data and cross-reference those funds to the needs of the countries receiving funding. The dashboard is built on a custom-developed ontology to capture and categorize the data against the Joint External Evaluation scores establishing country-level capacity for global health security, and supports detailed analysis of both funders and recipients, including the activities being supported by existing funding initiatives. This tool highlights success stories, identifies gaps, and communicates needs, while supporting a new foundation of mutual accountability.

Global Health Security
Data Architecture
Public Health
Risk Analysis